Saturday, January 21, 2017

Words that stay

"Breath in" are the words of the day today. They somehow stayed with me since I read them. Relax the mind and the body consciously, meditate, let go and just be. Sometimes I forget this even while doing yoga and suryanamaskars, in the rush to finish them. Finishing is ultimately not the idea, listening to the body is. I do a hundred daily (miss some days), but it is not a competition. Breathe in, breathe easy, live.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Stuff the afternoons are made of

A long day becomes more difficult when people interfere with apparently well-meaning suggestions and reminders, especially about your personal work. The cold downcast day suddenly erupted in short volcanic activity with this phone call, to upset the delicate work balance and the peace of mind. Ohh, when will I stop giving people power to cause disruptions in my life!

The poor messenger, got the full on blast. 

Some chai, korean serials and munchies on to restore the balance and that fragile peace.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Morning Read

Bunny Slope 

Tadeusz Dabrowski 

When I'm writing a poem,
there's less and less of it.

As I approach the mountains,
they vanish behind a gentle hill,
behind the bunny slope.

And once I'm standing with them
face to face,
they take away my speech.

The very best poem
finishes half way.

Translated from Polish by Antonia Lloyd-Jones
(Credits: The Paris Review)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hills are hazy, days are crazy

Its a wet and cold day outside that reminds me so much of Brontes' novels. I have been working and dawdling by turns since morning, so much work to do and so many deadlines to meet. It is a busy but not a gloomy day. Although, Dhauladhars are invisible today like much else, obliterated by clouds, rain and fog, there is so much life around - birds calling out, people going about, work in progress everywhere. The hills are abloom with colours from rust to brown to green to white that are sometimes shadowed by clouds and sometimes by raindrops that appears like a curtain from afar. They make you feel alive and at the same time remind you of your fragility.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

First post 2017

The past year has been full of ups and downs, the downs predominating. Reading, writing and teaching is what saved me. Since, its the beginning of a new year, the season of new resolutions and revolutions, a few resolutions for the year include reading more and writing more, and doing what I like most besides - colouring and painting. A constant endeavour is to find that elusive happiness in a place I am content at and with the person I love.